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  • How To Build Your Brand With Content: 7 Principles

How To Build Your Brand With Content: 7 Principles

Apply them to your own brand and watch your growth explode.

Have you ever moved a refrigerator?

Refrigerators are the triple threat of hard-to-move objects - tall, heavy, and awkwardly shaped.

Meaning even a team of 3 strong people can struggle to move one.

But with just a hand truck, a single person of average strength could easily move a refrigerator just about anywhere.

That's the power of leverage. It gives us the ability to multiply the results of our effort by 10x or more.

And if you were to ask me how I've generated 4 billion views across my brands...

I'd say it all comes down to a few principles that have acted as "leverage points" resulting in massive growth.

In today's newsletter, I'm going to share with you 7 of the principles that have allowed me to achieve this exponential growth.

I encourage you to adapt these principles to your own brand or business. The results will be mindblowing.

Before we dive in, two quick things 🪂

#1 - This past Wednesday I ran a live workshop where I revealed 3 secrets for building a community of 1+ million.

If that sounds interesting to you, the replay of the workshop is available here. 

(Use passcode 'mscs2#jG' to access video)

#2 - At the end of the call, I made a special offer on my Founder OS Program. You can save 30% off my program with the code: FOUNDER30

The replay and discount are only available until Monday night at midnight though, so I recommend taking some time and checking it out before it's gone.

Now, onto the 7 principles that will help your brand achieve exponential growth.

​​Principle #1 - Determine Your Brand Values

“Marketing is no longer about the stuff that you make, but about the stories you tell.” - Seth Godin

People don't fall in love with products, they fall in love with your brand.

If you want to build a brand that captures the heart of your audience, you first need to have a clear picture of your brand values.

As you create content according to these values - almost like a magnet - you'll start attracting fans who share these values.

All of a sudden you have a snowball effect, and what started as a small gathering explodes into a massive community.

What are your brand values?

Here are mine:

  • Optimistic

  • Inspiring

  • Useful

  • Fun

Principle #2 - Know Your Audience

“If you aim at nothing, you'll hit it every time" - Zig Ziglar

The power of content lies in its ability to create a connection between your brand and your audience.

But this only works if you have a deep understanding of your audience.

So you can create content that speaks directly to their hopes, dreams, fears, and needs.

Who are you creating content for?

I create content for:

  • Entrepreneurs looking for their North Star

  • Solopreneurs aiming to grow their brand

  • Founders that need systems to grow

Principle #3 - Create Content Categories

People are by nature habitual creatures, and feel a sense of security in routine.

That's why content categories are so important. They are the "drumbeat" of your brand.

They help your audience know "what to expect" from you and also help them recognize you as the "go-to" for specific areas.

What are your 4 content categories?

My categories are:

  • Health

  • Business

  • Marketing

  • Mindfulness

Principle #4 - Create Shareable Content

Creating "viral" content is less challenging than many realize.

Because virality has less to do with the content itself, and more about the people sharing it.

And there is a science to creating content that people love and want to share.

We share content that:

  • Makes us look good

  • Has practical value

  • Contains a story we love

  • Brings us some emotional response

Emotion + Value + Storytelling = Virality

Principle # 5 - Engineer Your Marketing Funnel

I've made $9M from content in the last 3 years.

But that's not because money magically shows up in a bank account with every piece of content that I post...

The purpose of content is to drive core business results.

And you need to create a funnel that will drive your audience from:

Awareness → Interest → Desire → Action

Principle #6 - Consistency Is Key

“Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out.” - Robert Collier

The key to success is consistency.

And over time, small improvements compound to produce incredible results.

1% better every day is 37x better in a year.

Consistency is more important than perfection.

Just get it done.

Principle #7 - Have Fun

“Life is for living, not living uptight, see ya somewhere up in the sky.” - Jay-Z

People pay attention to interesting people.

We fall in love with stories

So have fun.

Get outside and explore.

Document your journey.

Be vulnerable. Share your biggest mistakes.

Contrary to what you may have been told, this actually increases your surface area for luck, connections, and community...

...and also just makes life better.

There you have it, 7 principles that will help your brand achieve exponential growth.

How many are you already applying to your brand?

I'm confident that if you start leveraging these principles you'll notice their impact within weeks.

Let's win together 🥇


P.S. Whenever you're ready, there are 3 ways I can help you:

1. Grow your business systems, content, and community here. (130+ students)

2. Build your clarity, systems, and growth with 1:1 coaching here. (Only 1 spot left)

3. Follow me on Twitter for more operating systems, marketing tips, and community-building shortcuts.

đź’Ž Gem of the Week đź’Ž

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I've created an awesome guide that I want to bribe you with.

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See you again next week!