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My Daily and Weekly Schedule System

Copy My Weekly Schedule System & Show Up Like A Relentless Founder

On November 2021 Bitcoin hit an all-time high of $67,000.

All of a sudden my social media feeds were chocked full of "Crypto experts" that were peddling their services.

Fast forward to today, Bitcoin is now down 66% from its all-time high...

And I'm not getting nearly as many "crypto expert" friend requests.

There's a popular investing phrase - "everyone's a genius in a bull market."

And right now, we're seeing in real-time the difference between people that were just full of BS, and true relentless founders.

The world is changing fast.

I'm seeing people who once claimed to "have made it" suddenly struggle to keep their businesses afloat.

And while there are ups and downs in any business...

The true test of a founder isn't how much success they achieve when the times are good...

It's how they show up when the odds are stacked against them.

Relentless founders aren't defined by their revenue numbers...

But by their very character.

They refuse to give into mediocrity...

They refuse to accept the status quo...

Instead, they fight.




And the success?

Well, it's just the natural byproduct.

Relentless founders obsess over excellence and show up ready to win each and every day.

But here's the thing.

Showing up each day doesn't just mean doing "more."

It means that you leverage your skills for maximum impact...

And when something that you absolutely hate comes up - you do it anyway.

Because true success is the result of daily habits that compound over time.

That's why, in today’s newsletter, I’m going to share with you my Weekly Schedule System.

My Weekly Schedule System helps ensure I accomplish those compounding "daily habits" in a world that's constantly vying for my attention and energy.

It helps me stay on track and give my absolute best to my businesses.

Make sure you read all the way to the end to get a copy of my Weekly and Daily Schedule System to leverage for your business.

- The Price Of Founder OS Is About To Go Up -

This past Thursday, I was joined by an awesome group of founders live for my brand new workshop: 

5 Proven Steps For Adding 10,000 New Followers Every Month & Building A Successful 7-Figure Personal Brand

In the training I revealed:   

  • The easiest (and fastest) way to build an influential online presence 

  • 2 crucial components needed to make money online

  • The world’s new “most valuable resource" and how you can leverage it in 2023 to build a 7-figure (or even 8-figure) business

  • My proven, copy-and-paste method for growing a massive audience

At the end of the call, I shared a special deal for my Founder OS Program...

Through Sunday night (2/26) at midnight, my program is 50% off (only 23 spots remaining).

And this will be the LAST time that you will ever be able to join Founder OS at this price.

The price of Founder OS is doubling next month. It will never be at this price point again.

 Just claim this special offer, use code: ADD10000FOLLOWERS

If you missed out on the live call - the replay of the workshop is available here.

Passcode: D+aY2U5C

Now, let’s get back to my Weekly Schedule System 🪂

My Weekly Schedule System

“Excellence is a daily habit.”

I'm not going to sugarcoat it...

I work every day.

However, the schedule I keep these days is much different than the schedule that used to "keep me" in earlier seasons of my career.

Over the years I've distilled certain principles that work very well for me, and now I accomplish way more than I used to...

All while working fewer hours and enjoying my life more at the same time.

Here are my guiding principles:

  1. Make decisions based on a Whole Body Yes - It’s either a “Hell Yes” or a “No.” Stop doing things you hate

  2. Build leverage daily- Hire great people, build products, prioritize profits, and set your audience on fire

  3. Learn aggressively- Continually upgrade your skills (copywriting, video, storytelling, sales systems, mindset, leadership, and funnels)

  4. Apply the 80/20 rule to everything- Focus on the 20% of things that bring 80% of the results

  5. Get 1% better every day- Compounding is pure magic

Using these principles, here's how I schedule out my week:

#1 - No Morning Meetings 

"I find most meetings are a waste of time, because they are so ill-prepared and there's little opportunity for true synergy in producing better solutions than what anyone originally thought of. So I work hard to only attend those meetings that have strategic importance and miss all kinds of other seemingly urgent meetings." - Stephen Covey | Author, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

Research has found that the average employee wastes 2-5 hours PER DAY in meetings.

As a founder, meetings are one of the most unproductive uses of your time.

And depending on your personality, they could be draining you of valuable creative energy that would be better spent on something else.

Over time, I realized that when I had morning meetings, it would derail me for the rest of the day.

Here's what I did to fix the issue.

First, I started using Loom way more.

I use Loom so I can quickly answer pertinent questions without having to "jump on a quick call."

And it's often much easier and quicker than even writing an email.

Second, I made Tuesday my "meetings day," and I schedule as many meetings for that day as I possibly can.

And when I need to meet with someone on another day of the week, I always schedule it in the afternoon.

This allows me to protect my energy and creativity, and use it for the tasks that truly need it.

Have a look at your weekly meetings, and see how you can move or even cancel certain meetings to optimize your performance.

#2 - 4 Hours Of Deep Work A Day

“To produce at your peak level, you need to work for extended periods with full concentration on a single task free from distraction." - Cal Newport | Author, Deep Work

Research has found that executives who operated in a "flow" state were 5x more productive than in their non-flow state.

Every morning, I wake up and spend the first four hours of my workday unplugged and focusing on only the most critical tasks of the day.

These are the tasks that will provide 80% of the growth of my businesses.

Need help determining what tasks you should focus on?

Use the Eisenhower Matrix.

The matrix forces you to bucket your tasks into:

  • Urgent tasks: Ones that need immediate attention

  • Important tasks: Ones that deliver the most ROI to your key goals

 Your mental energy is your most valuable resource.

Don't waste it on useless tasks.

#3 - Daily Exercise, Movement & Breaks

Far too many founders neglect their physical well-being.

However, there are proven benefits to daily exercise.

Some of which include:

  • Decrease stress

  • Boosts mood

  • Improves concentration

But it's not just exercise that's beneficial for your performance...

Research has found that our brains' ability to concentrate drops substantially after a long period of focusing on a single task.

Stepping away for a walk in nature is a great way to let your brain reset and get a clear picture of your work.

Also, studies have shown we tend to solve our biggest problems when in a non-focused or "diffused" state.

Meaning that a walk in the woods could provide you with the very answer you've been struggling to find.

Taking breaks during the day can also help reduce the time needed to "recover" at the end of the work day.

You'll feel less drained from the day and will rest better.

You're more likely to wake up refreshed and ready to tackle the new day.

#4 - Designate Time For Learning & Leveling Up

The world's most successful people are voracious readers and avid learners.

However many founders are "too busy" to spend time learning.

That's why I make it a point to schedule time every week when I'm learning from others.

First, I have regular calls with members of my Personal Board Of Advisors or other subject matter experts.

Second, I always read at least 10 pages of a book a day.

I can't tell you how often I learn things that end up being the solution to one of my current problems.

#5 - Create & Post

Every day you should do something that has a compounding effect.

For me, that's creating content and posting online.

To date, I've created over 37,000 pieces of content.

And my efforts have compounded into a force that's almost creating my dream life for me.

As the saying goes - "The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago, the second best time is today."

Do something small yet meaningful every single day and watch the momentum build into something you never could have imagined was possible.

#6 - Plan Out Your Next Day

Want to know my biggest productivity hack?

Planning out my day the night before.

Whenever I wrap up my work day, I'm most aware of the tasks that NEED to be completed the next day. 

Writing them out in advance helps me save precious mental energy the next day.

I also take time to curate content inspiration the day before.

That way when I wake up I know exactly what I'm going to do, and can get right to it.

There you have it, my Weekly Schedule System.

I hope you find this system helpful.

Take some time over the next few days to plan out your new weekly schedule, and then hit me up on Twitter with what you came up with (feel free to share a screenshot on social media and tag me!).

Let's win together 🥇


P.S. Whenever you're ready, there are 4 ways I can help you:

#1: I just launched a new YouTube Channel. I'm putting a ton of energy into creating heaps of valuable content that I think you'll like. Come check out my latest stuff, and give me a like and subscribe. 

#2: Want to grow your audience and online business fast? Discover how to build a proven system for audience growth in just 2 hours here.

#3: Promote your brand to over 42,509 subscribers by sponsoring this newsletter (booking into April 2023). 

#4: Follow me on Twitter and LinkedIn for more operating systems, marketing tips, and community-building systems.

💎 Gem of the Week 💎

Ready to quit your job and be your own boss?

Here are the steps you should take:

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I summarized 10 years of learnings into a Content Playbook. It has 10,000 hours of mastery summarized in 2 pages.

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See you again next week!