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  • Exponentially Compound The Growth Of Your Brand With The Founder Flywheel

Exponentially Compound The Growth Of Your Brand With The Founder Flywheel

Discover How To Build A Self-Propelled Brand-Growing Machine

In January 2022, Apple became the world’s first publicly-traded company to be worth $3 trillion.

But just over 15 years before, in 2006, Apple was only worth $72.98 billion.

How did Apple go from being 159th on the Fortune 500 list...

To becoming the world’s most valuable company?

It's quite simple.

In 2007, Apple hit an inflection point...

It released the iPhone.

And while the growth wasn’t instant, the iPhone paved the way for Apple to grow into the behemoth that it is today.

Looking back on my own founder journey, I can also see an “inflection point” that would be a game-changer for my career…

And essentially skyrocket me to success.

What was this crucial moment?

The day I discovered how to "link" my efforts into a Founder Flywheel.

If you’re not familiar with a flywheel, it’s a device used in vehicles and machines to store kinetic energy.

As the flywheel turns, it slowly builds on the past rotation, getting easier and easier to turn.

With every rotation the momentum multiplies, and eventually builds up to a point where the flywheel almost becomes self-propelling.

As founders, we want every action to multiply.

We want there to be a compounding effect on everything we do.

In today’s newsletter, I’m going to be sharing my personal Founder Flywheel with you.

It’s the self-propelling system I developed to 10x the results of my efforts and rapidly grow my brands.

Before we dive in...

Want 2023 to be the year you make serious waves with your brand?

Then it’s time to take your audience building to the next level.

Through tonight at midnight, you can get my Audience OS course for just $97.

Just use code: AUDIENCEOSGROW250 

Here’s everything you’ll discover in the course:

  • How to create a personal brand that stands out

  • The blueprint to 250,000 followers and beyond

  • My system for building a 60-day content queue

  • Tools that will explode the growth of your brand

  • My system for growing your Twitter 10x faster

  • My system for growing your LinkedIn 10x faster

  • How to build a newsletter to own your audience and monetize your community

Grab Audience OS for just $97 until midnight.

Just use code: AUDIENCEOSGROW250

The Founder Flywheel Foundation

Before we dive into the specifics of my flywheel, I need to cover some foundational components.

The basis of my flywheel is built on these 3 principles:

  1. Brands are founder-led → Founders lead with storytelling

  2. Every brand is a media company → Founders grow fans through organic content

  3. Niche communities are dominant → Innovative distribution strategies across social media, newsletters, and YouTube will be used to win peoples’ hearts and minds

These 3 principles serve as the guiding principles that shape my flywheel.

To maximize leverage and systemize yourself, you must first have a clear picture of what you’re trying to accomplish with your efforts.

Otherwise you risk wasting valuable time on tasks that might not be contributing to the growth of your brand.

We want every action you take to multiply tenfold.

That’s the mindset you need to have in mind when creating your own flywheel.

Here's what my main flywheel looks like:

Content + Community = Commerce

Now, based on my own goals and strengths I’ve developed a smaller flywheel that will propel the larger flywheel forward.

This serves as the individual action steps that I can take to build the momentum I need to take my brand galactic.

Below is a look at the flywheel I’m using for my brand Founder OS.

I’ll cover each of the 4 parts in the sections below.


Creating content has changed my life.

The amount of leverage it has given me has only grown with time - and it's the heartbeat of my flywheel.

I love content for multiple reasons:

First, it’s the easiest way to speak “directly” to your ideal customer.

Content is a magnet that draws in the people who are the best fit for your brand.

Second, I love that content is “immortal.”

For instance, if we were having a conversation and I shared an idea with you, that idea would be “lost” as soon as I finished speaking.

Content allows ideas to live on forever.

And even better, it’s also shareable, which expands my opportunity for impact and connection.

Finally, content is a great incubator.

People need time to build trust in your brand.

Content is a no-risk way for them to familiarize themselves with you and what you stand for, without feeling pressure to commit to anything.

I’ve covered the core components of creating powerful content in past newsletters, but here’s a brief overview of the structure:

  • Niche: You have to be able to stand out. Your niche allows you to cut through all the online noise.

  • Audience: You need to dial in on your target audience, so you know what type of content you need to create. You want to bring in people that can actually take advantage of the product/service you provide.

  • Content Categories: These are the “drumbeat” of your brand. They help your audience know "what to expect" from you and also help them recognize you as the "go-to" for specific areas.


The second part of the flywheel is getting the attention of my ideal audience members.

I want to start “borrowing” the attention of people that hang out on each social platform, and slowly move them into my own, “owned” audience that I can later monetize.

And as my number of followers grows, the reach and impact of my content multiplies.

I’ve created a different plan of attack for each social media channel.

Here’s my current strategy:

  • YouTube: Daily YouTube Shorts + 2 long form videos a week

  • LinkedIn: 6 posts a week at 8:15 am EST daily

  • Instagram: 21 posts per week (14 short form videos)

  • Twitter: 4 threads a week, 17 tweets

  • Newsletter: 2 newsletters a week


After I have enough attention, it’s time to start monetizing my audience.

This is important for 3 different reasons:

  1. It solidifies my position as the "go-to" expert in my niche

  2. It allows me to start cultivating a true community around my brand

  3. It puts money in my bank account

As it currently stands, I have 2 different entry points for people who want to learn and connect with me:

And I plan on adding more options later down the road to make it even easier for people to learn from me.

Elite Group

I haven’t officially launched this, but the Elite Group is one of the things I’m most excited about.

I’ll be working with a small number of founders doing $60k+ per month and helping them grow to $5 million a year.

I love working with legends and helping them grow, so this fits perfectly within my Ikigai.

It also will allow me to hit my personal revenue goals without needing to constantly be creating new courses and programs.

I’ll also be able to leverage the stories and results I help members get to create even more awesome content...

Completing my flywheel and allowing me to build some serious momentum around my brand.


There you have it, my Founder Flywheel system.

I hope you found this helpful.

If you'd like to go deeper into principles I spoke about today like Niche, Audience, Monetization, and more...

I'm hosting a free live workshop in a couple of weeks where I'll be going more in-depth into these topics.

You'll walk away with a solid plan to acquire 10,000 new followers and create the foundations of a 7-figure media empire.

Take some time this upcoming week and write out your own Founder Flywheel.

Once you do, hit me up on Twitter with what you came up with (feel free to share a screenshot on social media and tag me!).

And if you'd like to copy my personal system for building a community of raving fans around your brand...

Let's win together 🥇


P.S. Whenever you're ready, there are 3 ways I can help you:

#1: I just launched a new YouTube Channel. I'm putting a ton of energy into creating heaps of valuable content that I think you'll like.

Come check out my latest stuff, and give me a like and subscribe.

#2: Want to grow your audience and online business fast? Discover how to build a proven system for audience growth in just 2 hours here.

#3: Promote your brand to over 42,599 subscribers by sponsoring this newsletter (Booking into April 2023)


Want to make $15,000 a month in 2023? Follow these 13 steps👇


This week’s newsletter is brought to you by Hypefury.

Hypefury is your secret weapon for dominating Twitter.

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  • Automatic retweeting of your highest performing tweets

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I've created an awesome guide that I want to give you (to help you unlock new content-creation skills).

I summarized 10 years of learnings into a Content Playbook. It has 10,000 hours of mastery summarized in 2 pages.

Share this newsletter with 1 friend and you will get access to this $149 resource for FREE.

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See you again next week!