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Find your reason for being in 22 minutes

The Soulful Entrepreneur #001

I'm doing a lot of reflecting, walking in nature, and morning journaling lately. I feel like I'm close to some major breakthroughs in life and have been focused on going inward to tap into my inner genius.

I thought I'd share an interesting exercise I did recently that had a big impact on my approach to living.

In Japan there is a concept called Ikigai - it means a reason for being. The way to visualize this beautiful word is depicted in the image below:

Ikigai is a powerful tool for reflecting on your reason for being.

After seeing this image I decided I needed to journal. I took out a pen. Grabbed a piece of paper. And wrote down my own personal Ikigai.

It ended up being a powerful way of bringing clarity to where my strengths and interests overlap.

I'm excited to share it with you.

It took me roughly 22 minutes to complete v1 of my Ikigai. I believe that the ROI of this exercise is priceless.

It has given me a frame of reference to evaluate startup ideas and figure out activities I will say "yes" to.

Inevitably life is the product of the things we choose to do, and more importantly, choose not to do.

"The difference between successful people and really successful people is that really successful people say no to almost everything."- Warren Buffett

My belief is that if I move towards activities that align with my Ikigai and travel, help entrepreneurs, make people's lives easier through automation, surround myself with people I can learn from, and move towards things that are a Whole Body Yes I will live a fulfilling life.

I believe the soulful journey towards my Ikigai will grow the amount of peace and happiness I experience in life and help me reach my ultimate potential.

I am excited to see where this goes.

I'm focused on saying "HELL YES" to things that are in alignment with my soul and no to the rest. Let's see how this experiment goes.

Cheers to Soulful Entrepreneurship.