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  • 8 Exercises from The Artist's Way that Unleashed My Creativity

8 Exercises from The Artist's Way that Unleashed My Creativity

The Soulful Entrepreneur #003

Creativity is a fickle thing. It comes and goes as it pleases. But what if you could summon your creativity at will? That's the goal of The Artist's Way, a 12-week program designed to help you uncover your creative potential.

I tried out some of the exercises from the book and they unleashed my creativity in ways I never thought possible!

Here are 8 of my favorite creative exercises from the book. Give them a try and see how they work for you. Who knows, maybe you are the next Picasso!

1. The Morning Pages

This is the first exercise in The Artist's Way and it's a doozy. Every morning, for 3 pages, you write whatever comes to mind. No filters, no judgment. It can be anything from your grocery list to your deepest fears and desires. I was hesitant at first, but I quickly found that the Morning Pages were a great way to start my day. They cleared my head and helped me get in the right mindset to start creating.

2. Draw Something

This one is pretty self-explanatory. Grab a pencil and paper and start sketching! You don't need to be an artist to do this exercise – in fact, the more amateurish your drawings are, the better. The goal is to get your creative juices flowing, not to create a masterpiece.

3. The Artist Date

This is my favorite exercise from The Artist's Way. Once a week, you take yourself on a date and do something that interests you. It can be anything from going to the museum to taking a cooking class. I love this exercise because it allows me to explore my interests and creativity in a new way.

Here are some Artist Dates I took myself on:

  • I went to get a massage

  • I went to an art gallery in Miami

  • I went on a road trip with myself to Joshua Tree

  • I went to see the new Batman movie

These dates were a great chance for me to connect with my inner child and do something spontaneous.

4. Creativity Check-In

This exercise is all about keeping track of your creativity throughout the day. Every time you have an idea, write it down. Capture any flashes of inspiration you may have. This will help you see patterns and trends in your creativity, which can be helpful when you're trying to summon your creativity.

5. 30-Day Challenge

This exercise is all about pushing yourself creatively. Choose a medium – writing, painting, sculpting, etc. – and do something creative every day for 30 days. It doesn't have to be anything groundbreaking, just something to get the creativity flowing.

I have been leaning into hot yoga and loving it. I find it grounds my energy and helps me connect with my inner world and shed all the stress and bullshit that can accumulate in your body as a busy entrepreneur.

6. The Uniqueness Exercise

This exercise is all about celebrating your creativity. Sit down and list 10 things that make you unique. It can be anything from your sense of humor to the way you move your hands when you talk. Once you have your list, find ways to celebrate every one of those things.

7. Creativity Cards

Grab a pack of cards and write down one creativity prompt on each card. Then, pull a card at random and answer the prompt. This is a great way to get to know your creativity and find new inspiration.

8. The Artist's Statement

What does creativity mean to you? How do you define it? What role does it play in your life? This can be a difficult exercise, but it's worth it in the end. Having a clear understanding of your creativity will help you unleash its power.

Below is a similar exercise from the book around creating an Artist's Prayer. I learned a lot about myself from letting my pen move and surrendering to the flow.

If you're looking for a way to jumpstart your creativity, or simply want to find ways to enjoy the creative process more, The Artist's Way is a great place to start.

These exercises are fun, engaging, and best of all, they work!

Have you tried any of them?