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  • Soulful Entrepreneur is now Founder OS

Soulful Entrepreneur is now Founder OS

Leveraging systems to take your business and life to the next level.

Up until now, this newsletter has been known as The Soulful Entrepreneur.

But after taking some time to reflect and speak with mentors, I’ve decided that’s it time to update my brand to better reflect my goals.

Not because they’ve changed…

If anything I’m only more resolute in my vision to help 10,000,000 entrepreneurs live their dreams.

And I’ve realized the best way I can empower fellow entrepreneurs is by focusing on a particular strength of mine - one that many founders tend to struggle with…


The secret to massive growth without burnout comes down to one key component - being able to leverage systems correctly.

That’s why from now on my newsletter will be known as Founder OS.

OS = Operating Systems

Each week I’ll send out actionable tips to systemize your life and business, so you can scale to the moon without compromising your core values or personal well-being.

I’ll also be including breakdowns of other experts’ systems, as well as sharing encouraging success stories from people in the Founder OS community.

I’m excited to share the new direction of Founder OS with you and hope you’re excited too.

In fact, I’d love it if you would shoot me a quick message and let me know what you’re looking forward to most about the new Founder OS newsletter.

And now, without further adieu, let’s get into the very first edition of Founder OS.

In today’s newsletter, I’ll share with you 8 things that took me 10 years to learn.

I hope you find these lessons helpful.

This email will take about 3 minutes to read.

Let’s dive in 🪂

Lesson #1 - Optimize Your Health

In order to be successful you need to be at peak performance.

Every morning I:

Entrepreneurs are athletes. Take training seriously.

Lesson #2 - Experiments are More Important Than Perfection

Get comfortable being uncomfortable:

  • Write daily

  • Publish daily

  • Iterate on your product

Don’t wait. Start now. Hit send.

I've published content every day for 8 years and 8 months.

Done > Perfect

Lesson #3 - Build a Content System from Day 1

Content increases your surface area for luck.

You need to build a system to:

  • Follow a content schedule

  • Build content formats

  • Formulate a funnel

Stay consistent.

Hit publish daily and good things happen.

Lesson #4 - Build Your Revenue Funnel

The goal is to convert your dream customer to your product:

  • Rented audience - Attract your dream customer on Twitter and LinkedIn

  • Owned audience - Convert them to emails and SMS

  • Monetized audience - Get them to pay for your product

Lesson #5 - Excellence is a Habit

You are what you continually do.

The Super Bowl is won in the preseason.

Your day begins the night before:

  • Curate your priorities before you go to bed

  • Wake up

  • Complete 3 big tasks

  • Go into nature

  • Come back and tackle more

  • Repeat

Lesson #6 - Fall in Love With The Process

There is no shortcut to success.

It’s a marathon, not a sprint. Enjoy the small wins:

  • You wrote a draft. Great work.

  • You sent a big email. Great work.

  • You closed a small deal. Great work.

Success is about stacking tiny wins.

Lesson #7 - Be Obsessed With Learning

The most successful people are lifelong learners:

  • Learn from people on Twitter 

  • Watch YouTube videos

  • Listen to podcasts (I love Tim Ferriss, All In Podcast, and Alex Hormozi)

“Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young.”

Lesson #8 - Have a Bias for Action

Get addicted to momentum.

If you know you should do something, do it in 5 seconds:

  • Send the email

  • Write the post

  • Express gratitude

Don't wait. Life is too short. Take action and have fun.

Swipe these hard-earned lessons and apply them to your life.

They’ll help you be happier, more productive, and will allow you to accelerate the growth of your business tenfold.

Let's win together 🥇

💎 Gem of the Week 💎

Content Creation Cheat Codes Free Workshop

I'm running a free live workshop on September 28th (limited seats available).

I'll show you how I build a content strategy and hire unreal Growth Assistants to save hundreds of hours a month.

I will share the 4 secrets I used to build a community of 14 million.

Here is some feedback I received from my last free workshop:

★ "a perfect workshop for founders"

★ "extremely helpful"

★ "truly amazing"

Can't wait to see you there!

I will go over 4 key teachings and we will have plenty of time for Q&A.

This week’s newsletter is brought to you by Beehiv.

Beehiv is the only email service provider with a built-in referral program. Explode the growth of your newsletter by using the most powerful persuasion tool out there, word of mouth.

Start growing your newsletter faster here.

I summarized 10 years of learnings into a Content Playbook. This free guide has 10,000 hours of mastery summarized in 2 pages.

Share this newsletter with 1 friend and you will get access to this $149 resource for FREE.

Share using the Click to Share button below:

See you again next week!

Whenever you're ready, there are 3 ways I can help you:

1. Grow your business systems, content, and community here. (110+ students).

2. Build your clarity, systems, and growth with 1:1 coaching here. (Only 1 spot left)

3. Follow me on Twitter for more operating systems, marketing tips, and community-building shortcuts.