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Staying On Track Is Crucial For Achieving Success [Free Resource Below]

Use My Monthly Board Meeting System To Ensure You Reach Your Goals

It was March 28, 1979.

Almost 300 people boarded a plane for a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity…

Seeing Antartica with their own eyes.

No doubt the plane was buzzing with excitement as they flew over the ice-covered continent.

After two loops the pilot decided to descend to give his passengers a better view.

Sadly the third loop would end in tragedy.

Despite following the pre-established flight path perfectly...

The plane ended up crashing into a mountain, and there were no survivors.

Upon review of the tragedy, the investigators found something interesting.

It turns out that the flight crew had not been informed of a two-degree correction made to the flight path the night before...

And this small change in direction ended up putting them miles off course...

...in the direct path of a mountain.

This phenomenon is actually a common aviation principle known as the 1 in 60 Rule.

It states that a one-degree error in heading over 60 miles will put you a mile off course.

And just how a small change in direction can completely change the final destination of an airplane...

There's a lot of crossover of the 1 in 60 Rule for building your business.

Because all it takes is one small distraction to alter the trajectory and growth of your business.

In today’s newsletter, I’m going to share with you my Monthly Personal Board Meeting System.

It’s been a game-changer for my business (currently growing at 130% year-over-year).

My Personal Board Meeting ensures I stay on track and keeps me from potentially devastating distractions.

Make sure you read all the way to the end to get a copy of my Personal Board Meeting System to leverage for your business.

Before we dive in...

This past Thursday, I was joined by an awesome group of founders live for my brand new workshop:

5 Proven Steps For Building A Successful Personal Brand & Growing A Huge Audience

In the training I revealed:

  • The easiest (and fastest) way to build an influential online presence

  • 2 crucial components needed to make money online

  • The world’s new “most valuable resource" and how you can leverage it in 2023 to build a 7-figure (or even 8-figure) business

  • My proven, copy-and-paste method for growing a massive audience

The replay of the call is available here if you’d like to watch it. Passcode: 8%%4TC7k

I also share a special deal for Founder OS Program on the call. So if you're interested in rapidly building a personal brand and community of raving fans, I highly recommend you take advantage of it.

Through Sunday night (1/29) at midnight, my program is 50% off (only 25 spots left).

Just use code: FOUNDERWORKSHOP50

Now, let’s get back to my Personal Board Meeting System 🪂

My Personal Board Meeting System

“What gets measured gets improved.”

Every Sunday afternoon I take time to review the exact steps I share below.

It takes 15 minutes or so, and will be an absolute game-changer for your business.

#1 - What books are you going to read?

"In my whole life, I have known no wise people (over a broad subject matter area) who didn't read all the time -- none, zero." - Charlie Munger

The average CEO of a Fortune 500 company reads 4 books PER MONTH.

Compare that to the average person, who barely manages to read a single book each year…

And it’s no wonder studies have shown that active readers are likely to make 5x more money than those who spend little or no time reading.

If you want to build something amazing, follow in the footsteps of the most successful by becoming an avid reader.

Plan to read at least 2 new books each month, 4 if you really want to level up fast.

I'm currently reading The Creative Act: A Way of Being by Rick Rubin and Relentless by Tim Grover.

#2 - What are you going to learn?

"I have no special talent. I am only passionately curious." - Albert Einstein

In addition to being devoted readers, the most successful are always learning new things.

Learning new things keeps you sharp and enhances your likelihood of success.

You should always be sharpening at least two skills each month, as well as spending time intentionally studying one or two new concepts or ideas.

Right now I’m personally learning:

  • 8-figure revenue systems

  • YouTube algorithm hacks

  • Video animation in Adobe After Effects

  • Community growth secrets from the top 1%

#3 - What are your 30-day personal goals?

As a founder, YOU are your most valuable asset.

And any success you achieve with your business will ultimately flow from you and your well-being.

Take a few minutes to map out some personal goals.

They can be relational, spiritual, physical, or even hobby-related.

It's important that you take time to look after and work on yourself.

Here are my Personal 30-Day Goals:

#4 - What are your 30-day business goals?

Success never happens by accident, it’s always by design.

Every week I take time to develop my day-to-day action plan.

I start with my 30-day goals, work backward to my weekly goals and then develop my daily tasks.

Identify the most important leverage points in your business and map out how you’ll improve them.

I personally track my:

  • Revenue growth

  • Audience growth across all channels

  • Number of new members in my course

Keeping a close eye on these numbers helps me ensure I’m actually growing.

It also allows me to accurately measure whether things I have done over the past week “helped” or “hurt” my growth.

Here are my Business 30 Day Goals:

#5 - What went well?

“Success is a series of small victories.” - John C.Maxwell

As founders, we’re often so focused on our big goals that we can overlook the small wins.

However if we only ever compare ourselves to our future goals, we’ll miss out on everything we have managed to accomplish so far.

It’s important to look backward and see how far you’ve come. And it makes the next step seem that much more achievable.

At the end of each week, I write down 5 things that went well.

It’s important to pay attention to what worked well so you can do more of it.

Take a second and be proud of what you accomplished.

#6 - What didn’t go well?

Pain + Reflection = Progress

You often learn more from your failures than you do from your success.

Take time to reflect on your past week.

Identify what didn’t go well.

Then ask yourself - why?

Could it be fixed with just a minor tweak?

Or does it need a major adjustment/or need to be scrapped completely?

#7 - What did I learn?

“Those who cannot learn from history are doomed to repeat it.” - George Santayana

As founders it can be so easy to “move on” to the next thing.

And we can be quick to forget things.

However, if you have a major insight, but don’t ever implement it or take action based on it...

Did you actually learn anything?

Take time to write down 3 key learnings so they can guide you in future decisions.

There you have it, my Personal Monthly Board Meeting System.

And as I promised earlier, here is my Personal Monthly Board Meeting template for you to use with your brand.

Here is a video overview of my Personal Board Meeting system.

I hope you find this system helpful.

Take some time this upcoming week to create your own Personal Board Meeting, and then hit me up on Twitter with what you came up with (feel free to share a screenshot on social media and tag me!).

Let's win together 🥇


P.S. Whenever you're ready, there are 4 ways I can help you:

#1: I just launched a new YouTube Channel. I'm putting a ton of energy into creating heaps of valuable content that I think you'll like. Come check out my latest stuff, and give me a like and subscribe.

#2: Want to grow your audience and online business fast? Discover how to build a proven system for audience growth in just 2 hours here.

#3: Promote your brand to over 39,097 subscribers by sponsoring this newsletter (booking into April 2023).

#4: Follow me on Twitter and LinkedIn for more operating systems, marketing tips, and community-building systems.

💎 Gem of the Week 💎

Many of you have asked about how to grow your community to 100k raving fans.

Here are my 3 tips:

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I've created an awesome guide that I want to give you (to help you unlock new content-creation skills).

I summarized 10 years of learnings into a Content Playbook. It has 10,000 hours of mastery summarized in 2 pages.

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See you again next week!