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My System For Finding The Love Of My Life

Discover How You Can Turn Any Goal Into A Trackable System

"Matt, do you have a system for everything?"

Every week I have someone new asking me this question.

Since I talk about systems a lot, I'm not surprised when people ask...

What's funny to me is how often people are shocked when I reply -

"Yeah, pretty much."

Systems are incredibly important.

Now I don't mean that in the Twitter Bro "I EAT SYSTEMS FOR BREAKFAST" type way...

James Clear (the Author of Atomic Habits) has a quote that explains it quite well:

"You do not rise to the level of your goals. You fall to the level of your systems."

If you were to think about your goals as a destination on a road trip, the systems would be the vehicle you use to get there.

No System = Hitchhiking

Basic System = Car

Optimized System = Plane

The cool thing is, building systems to help you reach a goal isn't nearly as hard as trying to build an airplane.

You just have to adjust the way you view things.

Peter Michael Senge (an American systems scientist and senior lecturer at MIT) describes this as "Systems Thinking":

"Systems thinking is a discipline for seeing wholes. It is a framework for seeing interrelationships rather than things, for seeing ‘patterns of change’ rather than static ‘snapshots.’"

In other words, if you can alter the way you see things from a more fixed perspective...

To one that sees multiple parts that "link together..."

You can create a system for almost anything.

Now, let me make that a bit more practical.

One of the things I'm committed to doing in 2023 is finding the woman of my dreams.

But I'm not just going to sit around and hope she falls out of the sky.

I have a goal, and a system will help me achieve it faster.

So I made one.

And since Valentine's Day is just around the corner, I thought it would be fun to share the system I've created to find the love of my life.

So in today's newsletter, I'm going to show you exactly how I plan to find my dream woman.

And I'll also share how you can make a system for almost anything.

Before we dive in...

Out of all the systems I use regularly, there are a few that I consider absolute game-changers for my own success.

One of those is my Personal Productivity System.

Using this Productivity System I've created an online community of 14 million while managing a portfolio of businesses that generates over $5 million in annual revenue.

I recently shared the details of this powerful system on my YouTube channel.

To discover how you can operate at peak performance and smash through your daily tasks, just click the video below 👇

Part 1 - Attract, Don't Chase

I firmly believe that finding my life-partner starts internally rather than externally.

This means that the first step is getting clear on who I need to become so I attract the woman of my dreams.

I’ve been working hard over the past few years and have gotten clear on my values, my purpose, and the life I am looking to build.

I've had time to allow these discoveries to become a core part of who I am, not just "something I do."

And while we're all works in progress, I'm confident that I now embody these principles pretty well.

Now I'm ready to start putting myself out there more.

Because I know that I’m the type of man a high-caliber woman would want to be with.

When building your own system, you always need to start with the end goal in mind.

In this case I want to ultimately "attract" my ideal partner.

Question to ask yourself: What do I want the end result to be?

Part 2 - Who’s My Target Market?

There are a lot of amazing women in the world, but that doesn’t mean I’d be a great fit for many of them.

I need to have an idea of the type of woman I want to be with, so I can be on the lookout for her.

The woman of my dreams:

  • Is positive and optimistic. She has a positive orientation, looks to seize the day and life, and doesn’t let bad vibes drag her down for long. She is compassionate and doesn’t constantly complain. She inspires me to be the best version of myself.

  • Is sexy. She makes me feel alive, stimulated, lucky, and tingly. She has a great sense of taste and style.

  • Has a growth mindset. She’s a constant learner and has a vision for who she wants to become.

  • Is passionate and secure in her path. She has her own thing going on and loves things like art, design, and nature. She has some sort of lifelong passion that I can learn from and enjoy conversing with her about.

  • Is the perfect road trip buddy. She’s adventurous, not afraid to get dirty, spontaneous, loves to hike, and is positive and intellectually stimulating.

When building your own system, you should try and keep it as simple as possible.

Extremely complex systems have a lot of potential failure points.

Try to make each system as simple as possible. One goal and as few moving parts as possible.

Ask yourself: How can I make this simple?

Part 3 - Where Can I Find Her?

People tend to hang out in certain places based on their interests and passions.

In the same way, I hope to attract a certain type of woman, I need to spend time in places where my dream woman would be.

This increases the likelihood that I'll have a "chance encounter" with the right person.

Where does my dream woman hang out?

She’s most likely hanging around a yoga studio or a cafe, not in a bar or a club.

When building your own system, look for external tools or resources to help you accomplish your goal.

There's no use in reinventing the wheel. Odds are there are tools, resources or preexisting processes out there that can simplify your process and make it more efficient.

Ask yourself: What tools or resources exist that can make this process better?

Part 4 - How Will I Get Her Attention?

Eventually as I continue to be proactive I will come across the perfect woman.

But that doesn’t mean anything if I can’t get her attention...

How do I plan to get on her radar as a potential partner?

By exemplifying my values.

By being vulnerable, not cocky.

By putting myself out there and taking a risk, not expecting her to do all the work.

And by becoming the best version of myself, not slacking off or making excuses for my behavior.

When building your own system, determine what action needs to be taken to make the system work.

It's easy to build a system that looks good on paper, but is practically unachievable in real life.

You always need to be aware of limitations within yourself or your team and build your system to work despite those limitations.

Otherwise you'll end up with a train wreck after a few weeks of implementation.

Ask yourself: What action needs to be taken to accomplish this, and what are my limitations?


There you have it, my 2023 system for finding the love of my life, and how you can make a system for almost anything.

I hope you found those helpful.

Need help getting clear on your goals so you can build systems to achieve them?

Take some time this upcoming week and use what I shared today to create your own systems for achieving your goals.

Once you do, hit me up on Twitter with what you came up with (feel free to share a screenshot on social media and tag me!).

Let's win together 🥇


P.S. Whenever you're ready, there are 3 ways I can help you:

#1: I just launched a new YouTube Channel. I'm putting a ton of energy into creating heaps of valuable content that I think you'll like.

Come check out my latest stuff, and give me a like and subscribe.

#2: Want to grow your audience and online business fast? Discover how to build a proven system for audience growth in just 2 hours here.

#3: Promote your brand to over 41,714 subscribers by sponsoring this newsletter (Booking into April 2023)


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See you again next week!